October 30, 2010


My husband is amazingly, AMAZING!

As times are tough right now, he's going back to the one thing he thought he'd never have to do again - landscaping, and ultimately, what goes hand-and-hand with that, plowing - because I know, as he took a step up in life and into his role as a financial planner for Prudential two years ago, he thought those days of breaking his back were over.

So, as we ride this roller coaster we call life, he's getting out there, in the bitter cold, so I don't have to stop doing the one thing that enjoy the most - design.

There are not enough adjectives or verbs in the English dictionary to convey what that stirs up in me, but I do have to say - Thank you God, for giving me an AMAZING husband!

This is him trying to show me how to take the plow off ... just incase, he say's ... ah-huh, right!

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